Electric forklift manufacturer: communication is the best management strategy

If there is no contact opportunity between managers and subordinates, when subordinates encounter problems or important things, they will not discuss with managers at the first time, but act on their own initiative, which may eventually lead to more problems and affect work effectiveness. Many times, there will be minor conflicts between employees due to work. However, if managers ignore them and allow them to develop, minor conflicts may be intensified into larger ones, which will be out of control. The electric forklift manufacturer believes that communication is the best management strategy, which not only expresses respect for employees, but also effectively improves work efficiency.

corporate culture

There are many ways of communication, mainly including formal communication and informal communication. Formal communication includes regular meetings at all levels of the company, written plans and reports in different forms, etc. Informal communication includes the company's bulletin board, institutionalized email, etc. Other communication methods need to be determined by each enterprise according to its specific conditions and communication effects. The way with the lowest cost and the best effect will be adopted. How to judge the effect of communication? The electric forklift manufacturer told us that one is to see whether the information can be delivered quickly, and the other is to see whether the information is consistent.

In order to make management more efficient, managers should first ensure the smooth flow of communication channels within the organization. The establishment of communication channels is the basic condition for the smooth operation of an organization and an important factor for the success of management. Information exchange within an organization involves many aspects and is a complex process. Its basic elements include the sending, transmission and expression of the sender of information; The ability of receiving, understanding and judging the information receiver. The traditional management mode only pays attention to the top-down command, and does not attach importance to two-way communication. The electric forklift manufacturer believes that it is possible to set up a "suggestion box" or announce the implementation of a "door opening policy" within the organization, allowing subordinates to see the management's suggestions and problems at any time without agreement.

corporate culture

Therefore, in order to establish and maintain information exchange channels and ensure the normal operation of the organization, managers must attach importance to communication and be good at communication. The managers of electric forklift manufacturer have mastered the communication skills, always open the door to employees, actively communicate with employees, and keep the internal information exchange channels of the organization unblocked at all times.



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