Electric forklift manufacturer: Keep a low profile and look for real talents

There is a famous saying in China: "Talents are useful but not good for using, mediocrity is good for using but useless". Real talents must have excellent business level and strong ambition, but their personality is often strong, they do not like obedience, and they are unwilling to flatter and compromise. Therefore, some talents, even if they have outstanding talents, can not be put in important position by leaders. Electric forklift manufacturer believes that excellent leaders can lower their profile, find real talents, and make good use of real talents.

corporate culture

Many enterprise managers, on the one hand, complain about the lack of talents, and on the other hand, have a grudge against talented but outstanding talents. They prefer to use obedient "mediocrity" rather than talents with advantages and disadvantages, forming a contradictory psychology. These talents are often unusual, unwilling to be mediocre, dare to think and do, very assertive, and full of ambition. In the face of such talents, managers will play a negative role if they hold their head high, scold and overwhelm them, and refuse to trust them. Electric forklift manufacturer believes that if "heroes are useless", it is a loss for leaders and enterprises.

If managers are discerning, find the advantages of talents, give them higher treatment, entrust them with important tasks, and give them full space to exert, they will not only have higher work efficiency, but also be willing to devote themselves to the enterprise and become employees of the enterprise. At the critical moment, they will stand up to safeguard the interests of the enterprise, offer suggestions and contribute their own sweat and wisdom to the development of the enterprise. Electric forklift manufacturer believes that the attitude and way of treating talents can sometimes affect the development direction of enterprises.

corporate culture

He has great wisdom, but has no use for it. He is bound to take advantage of his anger to show off his heroism; He has great talents, but has no place to make a grand statement. He is bound to take advantage of the airport and try his best to tell the truth. Therefore, it is a necessary ability for a successful manager to tap talents and cultivate talents. Electric forklift manufacturer believes that the only way to promote the development of enterprises is to put down their high spirited attitude and look for real talents.



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