
目前显示的是 十一月, 2022的博文

Electric forklift manufacturer: small details, big management

A book once said: "There is no trivial matter in management, and local minor problems may eventually lead to the collapse of the overall situation." Details  determine success or failure. A small matter can even affect the rise and fall of a country. The electric forklift manufacturer  believes that the same is true of management. Even the seemingly small details are very important and cannot be ignored. From the first step of managing employees - knowing people, details  are very important. As we all know, Chinese people are not good at forbearance. Their personality and talent are hidden in them. They have to think twice before speaking and doing things. They are not easy to express. Therefore, if managers want to discover the personality and talent of employees, it is like facing a tightly wrapped bamboo shoot, they need to peel off its layers of shells to see the inside. So, how to open the bamboo shoots? The electric forklift manufacturer  came to talk with you. If you w

How to select hydraulic oil for electric forklift?

Lubricants are required for both electric forklift  and ordinary forklift. Lubricants required for electric forklift include gear oil, hydraulic oil and grease. Before that, the electric forklift manufacturer  has introduced in detail what is the gear oil of electric forklift, how to select it, and what precautions should be taken. Today, the electric forklift manufacturer will tell you about the knowledge of hydraulic oil, and see how to select and use hydraulic oil. Many actions of electric forklift  depend on traditional hydraulic system. The hydraulic oil is necessary to ensure the normal operation of the hydraulic transmission system and maintain the quality of the hydraulic transmission system, which is very important. The classification method of hydraulic oil is to use the middle value of 40 ° C kinematic viscosity as the viscosity grade, which is divided into eight viscosity grades: 10, 15, 22, 32, 46, 68, 100 and 150. When selecting hydraulic oil, it should be selected accord

How to avoid rollover accident of electric forklift?

It is believed that enterprises and forklift drivers who have purchased electric forklift  have seen many videos of electric forklifts rollover. These videos are really happening in reality, which makes people shudder. Many drivers are worried about such accidents, and enterprises are also worried about accidents of their employees. So, how to avoid electric forklift rollover? Such accidents can be avoided by following the instructions of electric forklift manufacturer . Let's take a look at the main causes of electric forklift  rollover. The electric forklift is easy to roll over when the goods are lifted in fierce motion. This is because the center of gravity of the goods is not stable when they are lifted. If the electric forklift has fierce action, it will cause the forklift to roll over. Secondly, in case of uneven road surface during driving, the electric forklift shall drive carefully, and shall not brake suddenly or decelerate urgently, let alone turn sharply. It is necessa

How to prevent the electric stacker from damaging the pallet?

Pallet is a very important logistics storage facility. It is generally used with electric forklift such as electric stacker  and electric pallet jack to play a huge role. It can make goods mobile and ready for movement at any time, which greatly facilitates handling and stacking. However, if the electric stacker is operated improperly, it is likely to damage the pallet, affect the work efficiency, and even damage the goods. How to prevent the electric stacker from damaging the pallet? The electric stacker manufacturer  will tell you something. First of all, the precondition to prevent the electric stacker  from damaging the pallet is to move slowly. Reducing the speed when handling, stacking and forking goods can not only give drivers more time to think about how to handle goods correctly and reduce errors, but also prevent gantry, elevator, etc. from violently hitting pallets or goods. Secondly, overload or eccentric load shall not be allowed. The carrying capacity of the pallet is li

How to compare the performance of electric stacker and choose the right product?

When purchasing electric stacker , we must compare the performance of different brands and models of electric stacker. However, many people are unable to focus on the comparison of performance, and don’t know how to choose in the end. This is because we do not know enough about the details of the industry and the complicated knowledge of electric stacker . It is not worth spending a lot of time to learn about this information in order to purchase. Now, as a professional manufacturer, the electric stacker manufacturer  will summarize for you, so that you can easily choose the products that are suitable for you. First of all, the purpose of purchasing electric stacker  is very clear, which is to improve work efficiency. Then, let's see how to judge whether an electric stacker has the conditions to improve work efficiency. The most basic thing is to look at the lifting, driving speed, etc. Second, it depends on whether the design of the electric stacker is simple and convenient, reduc

Attention should be paid to the scale of communication

Communication is very important not only in interpersonal communication but also in management and team cooperation. For managers, it is necessary to communicate with employees to solve problems encountered in management. However, the communication skills are different, and the effects vary greatly. How to communicate effectively has become a compulsory course for every manager. Electric f orklift m anufacturer  believes that it is very important to grasp the scale of communication. When communicating with employees, the most important skill for managers is to pay attention to the communication scale , not to say everything completely, but to leave room. It is a very traditional way of communication in China to "say three points when sewing people". Countless practices have proved that using this technique in management can achieve very good results. E lectric forklift manufacturer  gives you an example. Xiao Li, an employee of an enterprise, did not finish his work within th

Electric forklift manufacturer: integrate emotion into management

It is not enough to rely solely on reason for management. The core of Chinese style coordination is to supplement reason with emotion . Professor Zeng Shiqiang once said that management is actually the management of "emotion, reason and law", He said this: "Everything is' love first ', and each other's' emphasis is on reason'; when 'love' and 'reason' are unreasonable, they have to 'turn their faces against each other and be ruthless'. When' law 'is moved out, people will not feel mean, ungrateful, and cruel. As long as it is out of true feelings, why be afraid of feelings, affectations, and unfeeling feelings? Chinese people want to' convince people with virtue ', so modern Chinese management still takes' feelings, reason, and law' as its highest principle." The electric forklift manufacturer  thinks that this idea is worth thinking deeply by managers. People are emotional animals, and the influenc

What are the common faults of the manual pallet jack?

The manual pallet jack  has always been a very popular logistics storage equipment, with low price, wide application range, small size and convenient use. However, although the manual pallet jack is simple in structure and easy to maintenance, some failures are unavoidable. What faults are common and how to deal with them? The pallet jack  manufacturer  came to tell us about it. First of all, let's talk about the oil pump, which is an important part of the manual pallet jack . How important is it? If there is a problem with the oil pump, the entire manual pallet jack can no longer work. There are many small parts in the oil pump, among which the dust ring, O-ring, steel ball are prone to problems. When encountering problems, we should check these parts first, and then eliminate them one by one. If any problem is found, the simplest solution is to replace the parts. The second is the oil cylinder. The oil cylinder is also very important for the manual pallet jack, which is mainly re

Why does the electric forklift consume too much power?

In the current environment where the world advocates green and environmental protection, electric forklift  driven by electricity has a good development prospect. However, many careful drivers will have doubts that the electric forklift is fully charged, but once it is accelerated, it will directly reduce 1-2 grids of electricity. Why is this? Is the battery broken? The electric forklift manufacturer  will analyze this situation for you.  Compared with the traditional internal combustion forklift, the electric forklift  is environmentally friendly, simple to operate, easy to maintain, and cost-effective. However, electric forklift also has disadvantages, that is, the charging time is long, and the navigating ability of each brand and model of forklift is uneven. We should note that when the device is started, the voltage will decrease and the power consumption will be high. Therefore, the electric forklift manufacturer  told us that starting the electric forklift would have consumed mo

Analyze advantages and disadvantages and break through communication barriers

Electric forklift manufacturer  believes that there is an old saying in China that is very reasonable: the right of two interests is the most important, and the right of two evils is the least. This is human nature. In communication, if you want to persuade the other party, the best way is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages for the other party, so that the other party can understand that if you listen to your opinions, you can avoid risks or get benefits. When analyzing the advantages and disadvantages for the other party, the analysis should be pertinent and realistic. Both advantages and disadvantages should be related to the other party's vital interests. The reason why managers sometimes encounter communication barriers when coordinating their work is not that the other party is stubborn and unchangeable, but that the managers have not found the points that the other party really cares about. The electric forklift manufacturer believes that if you can find the other

How to select the gear oil for electric hydraulic forklift?

As we all know, the commonly used lubricants on internal combustion forklift are engine oil, gear oil, hydraulic transmission oil, hydraulic oil and grease. However, as a kind of logistics and storage equipment widely used in recent years, electric hydraulic forklift  is not well known for many maintenance knowledge. The commonly used lubricants on electric hydraulic forklift include gear oil, hydraulic oil and grease. Today, Electric forklift manufacturer  will start with gear oil and tell you how to select gear oil for electric hydraulic forklift. The American API vehicle gear oil classification is adopted for the classification of electric hydraulic forklift  gear oil in China, which is divided into three categories: ordinary load, medium load and heavy load vehicle gear oil. There are seven viscosity brands, namely 70W, 75W, 80W, 85W and 90, 140, 250. Where, W represents winter gear oil. When we choose gear oil, we should look at the quality level and viscosity grade. The quality l

Is the electric lift table a special equipment?

The electric lift table can also be called the fully automatic lift table. Some customers would ask before, is the electric lift table a special equipment? First of all, the lift table   manufacturer  told us that the electric lift table was a special equipment before 2014. In November 2014, the relevant departments issued the relevant policies on the lift table, stipulating that the electric lift table  is no longer a special equipment. What kinds of lift tables are there? It can be roughly divided into two types: electric lift table  and manual lift table. If subdivided, there are about 170 kinds, such as mobile lifting platforms, scissor lift, fixed lifting platforms, guide rail type lifting platforms, curved arm type lifting platforms, aluminum alloy elevators, sleeve type elevators, vehicle mounted elevators, guide rail chain type elevators, guide rail type lifting platforms, loading and unloading platforms, lifting platforms, rotating platforms, lifting rotating platforms, curved

Electric forklift manufacturer: communication is the best management strategy

If there is no contact opportunity between managers and subordinates, when subordinates encounter problems or important things, they will not discuss with managers at the first time, but act on their own initiative, which may eventually lead to more problems and affect work effectiveness. Many times, there will be minor conflicts between employees due to work. However, if managers ignore them and allow them to develop, minor conflicts may be intensified into larger ones, which will be out of control. The electric forklift manufacturer  believes that communication  is the best management strategy, which not only expresses respect for employees, but also effectively improves work efficiency. There are many ways of communication , mainly including formal communication and informal communication. Formal communication includes regular meetings at all levels of the company, written plans and reports in different forms, etc. Informal communication includes the company's bulletin board, in

What are the maintenance items of electric forklift?

We always emphasize that electric forklift  are not bought once and for all and can be used without any concern. If we wait for serious problems to solve, it will not only cost a lot of money, but also delay the normal work. Therefore, regular maintenance is very important. So, what is the so-called maintenance? The maintenance of electric forklift has a lot of contents. E lectric forklift manufacturer  will tell you in detail. According to the nature of work, the maintenance of electric forklift  mainly includes cleaning, inspection, fastening, adjustment and lubrication. Let's look at them one by one. First of all, cleaning is a project to improve maintenance quality, reduce wear of parts and reduce material consumption, which is the basis of all maintenance projects. It requires us to keep the car clean, all parts and tools on the car free of dirt, all filters can operate normally, and the pipeline is unobstructed. The second is inspection. Inspection is to determine whether the

What are the common faults of the electric scissor lift table?

Electric scissor lift table  is a kind of mechanical equipment used for lifting workers and goods. It is stable, safe, flexible, easy to operate, and very commonly used. However, it will inevitably encounter failures in the process of use, which will affect the work efficiency. If these faults cannot be handled in time, the life of the electric scissor lift table may be shortened or seriously damaged eventually. Next, the lift table  manufacturer  will tell you about the common faults of the electric scissor lift table and the countermeasures. As the name implies, the electric scissor lift table  is a device driven by electricity. Therefore, the lifting and other operations of the entire lift table are controlled by buttons. If the button is insensitive or unresponsive during operation, it must be handled in time. This problem may be caused by the short circuit and electrical system fault of the electric scissor lift table. The lift table  manufacturer  reminds that careful inspection

Give employees moderate freedom to maximize management effect

What is effective management? How can employees not only follow the unified command of the manager, but also give full play to their abilities and talents? This is a problem that troubles countless managers. There is no doubt that we should not be too strict and harsh with our employees, and we should not control them too much. Because this will stifle the potential of employees, may cause employees' rebellious psychology, increase employees' negative emotions, and is not conducive to the development of the enterprise. However, it is also highly undesirable to give employees excessive freedom  without management. Electric forklift manufacturer  believes that how to achieve a balance between "management" and "letting go" is a problem faced by every manager. Many well-known enterprises and successful companies adopt "kite management" that gives employees moderate  freedom . Microsoft has an important management principle: "The highest demand of

What needs attention when start and drive electric hydraulic forklift

After a careful study of the news, we will find that many accidents occurred when driving electric hydraulic forklift  are caused by the driver's non-standard operation. Although the electric hydraulic forklift is more environmentally friendly, safe and more comfortable to operate than the traditional forklift, it is risky if no advanced and intelligent equipment can be used in a standardized way. Next, electric forklift manufacturer  will tell enterprises and drivers what to pay attention to in the starting and driving process of electric hydraulic forklift. Before driving the electric hydraulic forklift , be sure to observe and clean the work site and work passage to avoid foreign matters affecting the driving. When starting, do not turn on the emergency switch, but turn on the electric lock and switch. It is better to start slowly while honking the horn to remind the workers around to avoid danger. When starting, it is forbidden to quickly step on the speed regulating pedal to p

How to select a pallet for an electric pallet jack?

Pallet is a very important tool for carrying goods used with electric pallet jack . It can change static goods into dynamic goods, which is an active "ground". The use of pallets is highly efficient, safe and stable, so it has now been widely used in production, transportation, warehousing and other fields. There are many kinds of pallets on the market now. How to choose? It is not enough for enterprises to only consider their own needs, but also consider how to cooperate with the use of electric pallet jacks. Today, the pallet jack  manufacturer  will tell you how to select the pallet of the electric pallet jack. What are the main considerations for selecting the pallet of the electric pallet jack ? We first need to consider the specifications and dimensions of the goods, such as the size of the outer package of the goods, the way they are placed on the pallet, and the weight and height of the goods. If the goods are stacked, we also need to consider the size of the shelves

What should the electric hydraulic forklift do before driving?

Many friends have had this kind of problem: the electric hydraulic forklift  just started to work, and this or that kind of problem appeared soon, but they haven't had time to do any complicated work, nor any non-standard operation behavior. The electric forklift manufacturer told us that this was not caused by our work for a short period of time, but an existing problem. The reason why we found that the work efficiency was delayed after we put into work is that we did not check and prepare before work. Now, the electric forklift manufacturer  will tell you what electric hydraulic forklift needs to do before driving. Before driving the electric hydraulic forklift , we need to check the height and density of the battery electrolyte. Under normal conditions, the liquid level should be 10-15mm higher than the partition. The density of electrolyte shall meet the requirements of local time zone and season. The single cell voltage of the battery shall not be lower than 1.75V, and the vol

How to choose a manual pallet jack?

Many buyers are very confused when they choose to buy a pallet jack, and do not know which one to choose. When you make a choice, some products with good quality have been selected by others. Therefore, it is very important to choose a suitable pallet jack with less entanglement. Today, the pallet jack manufacturer  will introduce the manual pallet jack  for you to make a choice. Now, manual pallet jack  is widely used in some logistics parks, supermarkets, workshops and other places. The commonly used manual pallet jack are 2 tons, 2.5 tons, 3 tons and 5 tons. The external width of manual pallet jack of each tonnage has two dimensions: 550 * 1150mm and 685 * 120mm. The pallet jack manufacturer told us that when selecting the manual pallet jack, we should consider the purpose of it. In general, enterprises with workplaces in supermarkets or small warehouses generally choose manual pallet jack. The pallet jack manufacturer  suggests that large warehouses, such as enterprises with contai

Electric forklift manufacturer: correctly treat employees who have made mistakes

No one is perfect, and managers cannot demand that every employee be perfect. Electric forklift manufacturer  believes that whether they can correctly treat employees who have made mistakes is an important sign to judge whether a manager can employ, educate and motivate employees. Not only managers, but also many people are used to taking a tolerant attitude towards their own mistakes. Today's problems are forgotten the next day, without vigilance and attention. However, it is easy to forget the mistakes  made by others, even if it has been a long time. Managers should be good at distinguishing between the past mistakes  and the present performance of employees, and should not rake up old scores when appointing employees. Otherwise, we can't find real talents all over the world. Who hasn't made mistakes? Of course, there are two kinds of employees' mistakes, one is public, the other is private. If an employee has only ever had differences or conflicts with the manager,