
目前显示的是 2021的博文

What should you pay attention to when operating a forklift?

  The more conventional use of small electric forklift  is to load goods into pallets, and then load and unload, stack, stack the goods together, or for short-distance transportation. They are often called small electric forklifts. It is a manual stacker, an electric stacker and a semi-electric stacker. The staff should pay attention to a lot of details during the operation. Next, electric forklift manufacturers china  will show you how to properly operate the stacker. electric forklift manufacturers china first let you know about the safety facilities in some equipment, including main switch, flow limiting valve, foot brake, pressure limiting valve, protective net and so on. The small electric forklift  main switch mainly refers to the main power switch; the current limiting valve is used to control the deceleration; the foot brake is used to control the braking of the equipment, which is a very reliable parking brake; the pressure limiting valve is responsible for controlling the loa

Selection guide for electric forklift manufacturers china

  Many of our customers ask a question when using electric forklifts to carry equipment: What is the difference between   small electric forklift  and harbor freight pallet jack ? So what should I pay attention to when buying electric forklift handling equipment? Regarding these two questions, electric forklift manufacturers china  will patiently answer them one by one. Next, let's first answer the difference between small electric forklift and harbor freight pallet jack. Harbor freight pallet jack is very commonly used in airports, docks, workshops, tunnels and other fields. Because this equipment has special requirements for air and noise, it is very suitable for short-distance transportation; and the full harbor freight pallet jack  has a small body, no pollution, low noise, It is easy to operate and other characteristics, but electric forklift manufacturers china  believes that it is not suitable for use in some environments. The electric stacker is a kind of light commonly use

forklift manufacturers in china: what to pay attention to when charging

  Can a  small electric forklift  be charged for a long time? I believe this is a question of many users. What forklift manufacturers in china  want to tell everyone is that small electric forklift chargers should choose smart chargers. When the battery is fully charged, the charger will automatically power off, so there will be no long-term charging problems, and no explosion problems. . In the use of the battery, we recommend using a special brand charger for charging, and no flammable and explosive materials should be placed around it, so that there will be no problems even if it is charged at night. Let’s take a look at the steps of charging by forklift manufacturers in china : 1. After parking to the charging area, turn off the red emergency stop switch and key switch, and open the battery box cover; 2. When charging, make sure that the heat dissipation of the device is unobstructed, and then check whether the electrolyte is in normal condition. If the red buoy is 1cm away from th

Working process of small electric forklift hydraulic transmission system

  The hydraulic system of a small electric forklift  is an important part of the equipment, and its steering system and working devices are all driven by the hydraulic system. Therefore, the quality of the hydraulic system of the equipment will directly affect its performance. In fact, the reason for the failure of the hydraulic system is not as complicated as we thought, and most of the problems are caused by the execution structure. However, it is not easy to find out the specific fault location and the cause of the fault, because there are many reasons for the fault, and it is necessary to analyze the specific problems according to forklift manufacturers in china . And one more thing I have to mention is that the small electric forklift  hydraulic transmission failure has a great concealment, which also brings a lot of trouble to the maintenance personnel. In the industry, there are many ways to check for faults. Forklift manufacturers in china  only care about the reliability of th

On-site diagnosis of electric forklift price hydraulic transmission system failure judgment

  Before understanding the fault diagnosis of electric forklift price  hydraulic transmission system on site, we need to learn from forklift manufacturers in china  some conventional methods that are used in most hydraulic system fault diagnosis, which are divided into empirical method, experimental method, computer method and replacement method. . These four methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. As for which method to use, we still have to analyze the specific problems in detail. Let me talk about the empirical method first. This method can only be done when the staff has a certain level of work experience. With many years of practical experience, they are able to judge the failure of the electric forklift price  hydraulic transmission system. But if it is only based on empirical judgment, it is easy to cause blind operation. Let's talk about the experimental method of forklift manufacturers in china . This method uses a fault detector to test the faulty system to d

What to do if electric forklift price lift hydraulic cylinder and tilt hydraulic

  The hydraulic system is an important part of the electric forklift price . In the process of using the equipment, this part will inevitably have problems. Before understanding the examples, we should roughly know that the hydraulic system includes the working device hydraulic system and the steering hydraulic system. For forklift manufacturers in China , when checking for faults, the unreasonable factors in the design must be eliminated first, and then the factors that cause the down speed limit valve and pipeline blockage to be eliminated based on experience. After the electric forklift price  increases the engine speed, the lifting and tilting hydraulic cylinders will move slowly. This situation will aggravate as the engine speed increases, but the steering system can still work normally, and the system can be heard regularly. Then check step by step to find out if there is any leakage in the lifting hydraulic cylinder. If there is an internal leakage lifting hydraulic cylinder, hy

What is the point of discussing work with electric forklift manufacturers china?

  Electric forklift manufacturers china  believes that in order to manage personally at work and achieve success, we must first think about what we are working for. Some people say that work is for earning money and for living, while others say that work is for realizing one's life value. For example, the masters engaged in the electric pallet stacker  technology industry have their own ideals and serve their families for themselves, but if you want to truly understand the meaning of work, you must understand it from both the material and spiritual levels. First of all, from a material perspective, work is the basis for our survival. We get paid through labor, so as to meet the needs of life such as food, clothing, housing, education, and medical care. Secondly, from a spiritual level, work is the key to self-satisfaction, self-examination, and self-growth. In the electric pallet stacker  industry, no matter which position it is, “when the work is important, you will feel that you

electric forklift manufacturers china tells how to achieve results in the work?

  Electric forklift manufacturers china  believes that in order to achieve results and success at work, it must have three abilities, namely management ability, practical ability and cooperation ability. Management ability includes two aspects: the first is the management of self-awareness, that is, entrepreneurial spirit. The same goes for the practitioners of electric pallet stacker . Work is full of uncertainty, which means that the decision itself is full of challenges. A decision may succeed, but it may also fail. Observing many successful entrepreneurs and managers, it is not difficult to find that they dare to act and make decisions in the face of uncertainty. This is not because they have genius wisdom, but they are willing to think and observe, know how to look for changes, respond to changes, and seize opportunities. The second is leadership. We often regard the ability to attract others as leadership. In fact, electric forklift manufacturers china  doesn't think so. Attr

Electric forklift manufacturers china talk about the major obstacles to teamwork

  What are the major obstacles that affect teamwork? Electric forklift manufacturers china  attaches great importance to the cultivation of teamwork among employees. It probably summarizes the following major obstacles that affect teamwork: lack of trust, fear of conflict, lack of investment, avoidance of responsibilities, and carelessness of results. If an electric pallet stacker  sales team we only compete with each other without trust, then the development prospects will also be limited. So how to overcome these obstacles that affect teamwork? electric forklift manufacturers china  will take everyone to discuss. Let me first talk about how to overcome the obstacle of lack of trust. Trust is the foundation of our teamwork. Without mutual trust and cooperation, we can't talk about it. We are used to pretending to be ourselves at work, and are unwilling to open our hearts and admit our weaknesses. The only way to build trust among team members is to eliminate their guard and let th

How to manage the team of electric forklift manufacturers china

  Electric forklift manufacturers china  must first determine the responsibilities and rights of the supervisory team. The supervisor team is the organizer and coordinator of the entire personnel system. The supervisor's responsibility is to unify employees' thinking, communicate deployment work, and rationally use talents. For example, employees who are good at communication will be arranged to be sales staff of electric pallet stacker , and those who are good at technology will concentrate on the technical development of electro-hydraulic forklifts. So what should electric forklift manufacturers china  do? First of all, we must increase the enthusiasm of employees. Among them, we must improve the command and appeal of supervisors; do a good job of "detailed guidance" and "humanistic care"; and set work goals for employees. For example: the establishment of monthly sales performance targets for electric pallet stacker  business personnel. In electric forkli

How to spend the running-in period of electric forklift price

  The price of the newly bought electric forklift may not be very smooth, many functions may be a little unskilled in operation, and it takes a period of man-machine running-in. Electric forklift manufacturers china   sales want to tell everyone that the new car should not carry heavy goods in the early stage of running-in. Next, let's talk to you about what to do in the first 100 hours of the initial stage of the new car's running-in, and how to maintain the new forklift. First, carefully check whether there are any problems with the electric forklift price  equipment. If any problems are found, carry out pre-inspection and maintenance in time as required. The oil change and lubrication should be earlier than the prescribed time. If the condition is normal, the forklift must be warmed up before driving, no matter what the season. Electric forklift manufacturers china  reminds you to avoid emergency braking and emergency steering during driving. It is recommended that you start

electric forklift manufacturers china teach you how to add brake fluid

  Standard maintenance of the electric forklift price  is the guarantee for the stable operation of the equipment, not only that, but also can extend the service life of the equipment. The wear of each component has a lot to do with daily actual operation and usage conditions. In addition, electric forklift manufacturers china  would like to remind everyone that negligence in regular maintenance will not only affect the use of the equipment, but also pose a threat to the personal safety of the staff. Among them, adding brake fluid is also a very important link, let's talk about related issues below. Let's talk about the performance requirements of electric forklift price  brake fluid. This type of product needs to have good low temperature properties, because if it encounters low temperature weather, the fluidity of the brake fluid is poor, and it is easy to solidify. This situation will cause the pipeline, pump and other components to become clogged, causing the brake pedal to

electric forklift manufacturers china driving mini electric forklift safety training

  The appearance of mini electric forklift  has brought a lot of convenience to the daily storage and handling work, and also greatly improved the efficiency. However, electric forklift manufacturers china  believes that in any case, safety issues must be ranked before all issues. How to use forklifts while ensuring safety? Next, we will provide you with relevant knowledge points, hoping to play a role in everyone's daily use of forklifts. Before driving a mini electric forklift , you must not smoke, talk, eat, drink, drive, manned, drive fatigued, and drive without sickness. These are all drivers must do. Electric forklift manufacturers china  wants to tell everyone, because some of the behaviors in this part will distract the driver, and some will make the driver's reaction slow. Both of these situations will affect the safety of the driver. Before starting, check whether the car lights, speed limiter, steering gear, and hydraulic system are normal. If there is any abnormalit

What should I pay attention to when driving a mini electric forklift?

  When we drive a mini electric forklift , our main concern is safety; while driving a forklift, we still focus on safety. Regardless of whether the driver is a veteran or a novice, electric forklift manufacturers china  believes that whenever you drive a forklift, you should follow other rules for driving a mini electric forklift, not only for safety considerations, but also for the forklift itself. Maintenance care. If all forklift drivers and friends can do the following, then we really convince you from the bottom of our hearts. To Let's start with the forklift before starting. Drivers must wear protective gear before getting in the car. Driving in slippers or high heels is strictly prohibited. Then go to inspect the vehicle and drive the vehicle to implement the three-inspection system, that is, inspection before leaving the vehicle, inspection during driving, and inspection after receiving the vehicle. Here we mainly check whether the brakes, brakes, signals, steering mechani

Product highlights of electric forklift manufacturers china

  Forklift 2 ton is generally used in warehouses, workshops and other places. The main purpose is to carry goods. During the period, it must be used with pallets, which can greatly improve the efficiency of storage. Therefore,  forklift 2 ton  is also called an electric pallet stacker. The forklift 2 ton of electric forklift manufacturers china   is divided into two categories: full forklift 2 ton and half forklift 2 ton. With the development of technology and the improvement of technology, people not only pay attention to the appearance of the exhibits, but also pay more attention to the after-sales service of the products. The products of electric forklift manufacturers china  are also developing along this line of thinking, and on this basis, pay more attention to the safety performance of the equipment. Load cargo safely and drive smoothly; at the same time, it will also work on the mobility of  forklift 2 ton , increase the use of storage space, and work in narrow passages. From t

Common faults of electric forklift manufacturers chinasmall electric forklift throttle valve

  The throttle valve in the forklift of electric forklift manufacturers china  realizes the control of fluid flow by changing the throttle length or throttle section. The throttle check valve and the throttle valve in parallel can be combined into a one-way throttle valve. However, when we use the small electric forklift  daily, the throttle valve will malfunction, which is a headache. So, let's analyze the failure of the throttle valve for everyone. 1. Common faults of electric forklift manufacturers china small electric forklift throttle valve 1. The flow of the throttle valve is unstable and fluctuates from time to time 2. Little or no flow at the outlet of the small electric forklift  throttle valve 3. Increased internal leakage flow Two, electric forklift manufacturers china  failure cause analysis and diagnosis and solutions The flow of the throttle valve is unstable and fluctuates from time to time reason: The oil is mixed with impurities, which are adhered to the edge of th

electric forklift manufacturers china do not need almighty employees

  When electric forklift manufacturers china  trains its employees, it shows that there is no need for omnipotent employees. For example, if you are good at selling small electric forklift , then concentrate on selling. If you are good at operations, then do operations full-time and so on. Sometimes we may be troubled by some inherent thoughts. When there are a lot of things, we don't know what to do first? I feel that everything is important. We can handle many things at the same time and live an orderly life. As long as our willpower is strong enough, we can balance work and life. But the fact is that we are not so perfect. The advice of electric forklift manufacturers china  to employees is not to do things according to habit. If there are too many things, we can make a list, and then choose the most important thing from the list to do. I am a salesperson of small electric forklift , so the most important thing for me is to register the product information that has been sold is

How does electric forklift manufacturers china achieve effective communication?

  An excellent company must be excellent in internal and external communication. Electric forklift manufacturers china  is an enterprise that focuses on communication skills. Internally, whether it is criticism, praise, sympathy, inquiry, encouragement, etc., use reasonable wording for employees to allow smooth communication and stimulate employees' enthusiasm for work. Externally, if customers consult with small electric forklift , we must listen patiently and provide effective assistance. Electric forklift manufacturers china  will not blindly deny employees' achievements and work plans when assessing their employees' work. Will make open-ended and inclusive inquiries to employees. For example, in the frequent technical update, delivery, after-sales and other related issues of electro-hydraulic, electric forklift manufacturers will bear the failure together with their employees and affirm their efforts. The external communication of electric forklift manufacturers china  

How to use harbor freight pallet jack

  The method of using harbor freight pallet jack  is not difficult to say, but which makes perfect. Of course, practice makes perfect. If you don’t understand, you can also ask electric forklift manufacturers china . Let’s take a look at how to do it. The basic operation of the electric hydraulic pallet truck is the lifting and lowering of the fork, and the forward and backward of the vehicle. First look at the lifting and lowering. The lifting height of the fork of the battery truck is generally 200 MM. This height is just enough for the pallet to be lifted off the ground, keeping a distance from the ground, and just being able to walk freely. The use of harbor freight pallet jack  and pallet is limited in specifications. Generally, there are two specifications of the car, the width is 685MM, the fork length is about 1200, the general pallet size is 1200*1200mm; the narrow one is 550MM, The fork length is 1100MM, and the applicable pallet is 1000*1000. Electric forklift manufacturers

When the electric pallet stacker rises, it will slowly fall

  The fork lift problem of the electric pallet stacker  is generally the hydraulic system of the small electric forklift . When electric forklift manufacturers china  meets customers and friends to inquire about related questions, they usually ask a few questions: Does the electric pallet stacker  slowly descend after the load is raised or when the empty truck is raised slowly. Are there any abnormal noises while falling? What abnormality did you find when it slowly descended after lifting? Was the battery sufficient? In addition, we need to pay attention to the service life of the battery, whether it is scarce; is the distribution box damaged? and many more. 1. After the electric pallet stacker  rises, it will slowly drop with abnormal sound. This situation is considered to be the problem of the hydraulic system of the small electric forklift . Check whether there is oil leakage at the oil cylinder, whether the seal is intact, whether the pressure relief device is intact, and whether

How does electric forklift manufacturers china train employees in thinking?

  What is thinking training? Why do electric forklift manufacturers china  train employees in thinking? Thinking training is to make your brain move. Just like we do physical exercises, we do a specific physical exercise. And how do the "sports actions" of the brain proceed? Just like we do physical exercises, standardized movements are learned from professional athletes or teachers. The same is true for thinking training. Although most of the thinking process is invisible, the essence of it is to persevere repeatedly to figure out, practice, and find the key point. Small electric forklift  needs a person with strong thinking ability whether it is in terms of technical production or business negotiation. Electric forklift manufacturers china  values ​​people with strong thinking ability, and no matter what position we are in the small electric forklift  industry, we should put thinking training on the agenda. Each of us has our own thinking habits, but the purpose of thinking

electric forklift manufacturers china requires employees to have critical thinking

  As electric forklift manufacturers china , we should know that small electric forklift  is a kind of products that need to be constantly updated and adapted to market needs. In the pursuit of development, we should maintain critical thinking. What is critical thinking? To put it simply, when we encounter problems, we can make reasonable and wise choices and not fall into automatic thinking or inertial thinking. Critical thinking is a mode of thinking that keeps a scrutiny attitude towards everything and is not narrow or arbitrary. electric forklift manufacturers china  believes that critical thinking can be trained. Carry out specific training, consciously pay attention to your own thinking habits, often pick your own faults, and build up new thinking habits—critical thinking bit by bit. In this era of rapid development of production technology in all walks of life. We cannot stick to a concept without changing it. In the production of small electric forklift , we must always look at

Working principles of electric forklift manufacturers

  As a salesperson of electric forklift manufacturers , manufacturers have a requirement for employees to understand the differences between customers and be open-minded. We face all kinds of customers every day, and their living habits, expressions, and values ​​are very different. So what is our working principle when we face so many customers? When introducing small electric forklift  to customers, our working principles are: 1. Different communication methods from person to person; 2. Find problems in time; 3. Analyze problems; 4. Make solutions; 5. Application plans. Of course, the solutions we have made may not be 100% applicable, and there will always be omissions and failures. This requires us to adjust the plan according to the actual situation in a timely manner, not copying experience, and not keeping old times. Electric forklift manufacturers  not only pursue technological updates in the production of small electric forklift s, but also promote new ideas and new methods in