Why are there white particles on the battery plate of electric forklift?

The electric forklift manufacturer has mentioned it many times. For electric forklift, no matter what electric forklift price is, maintenance is very important. The maintenance of the battery is particularly important. Many drivers found white particles on the plate of the battery when maintaining or repairing the battery of the electric forklift. What are these particles? The manufacturer of electric forklift truck will give you a specific description.

electric forklift

The white particles on the battery plate of electric forklift are coarse grain lead sulfate. No matter what electric forklift price is, once such white particles appear on the pole plate, the battery will be unable to continuously supply the starting current due to the large internal resistance and sharp drop in voltage when discharging. Moreover, when the battery of the electric forklift is charged, the voltage of the single cell battery will rise rapidly, and the temperature of the electrolyte will also rise sharply. However, the relative density of the electrolyte increases slowly, which will lead to premature "boiling" phenomenon.

Why do these white particles appear on the plate of the battery of electric forklift? There are several reasons. The first reason is that the battery is not fully charged for a long time, or it is not charged in time after discharge. In this way, lead sulfate will recrystallize when the temperature changes. The second reason is that the electrolyte level in the battery is too low, which makes the upper part of the electrode plate contact with the air and produce strong oxidation. The oxidized part will also form white particles when contacting with the fluctuating electrolyte. The third reason is that no matter what electric forklift price is, the internal discharge of the electrolyte is accelerated when the relative density is too high, the electrolyte is not pure, or the external temperature changes sharply. At the same time, the concentrated sulfuric acid contact electrode plate is more effective in changing into lead sulfate, and the electrode plate is easier to vulcanize.

electric forklift

How should we prevent the formation of white particles on the plate? First of all, the battery of the electric forklift must be charged in time to avoid excessive discharge. Make sure that the battery is always fully charged. Secondly, the density of electrolyte should meet the requirements. Finally, always check whether the height of the electrolyte level meets the requirements. No matter what electric forklift price is, pay attention to the maintenance of the battery, especially when charging, and do it according to the requirements of the electric forklift manufacturer.



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